How do transaction via onebip? i will guide you step by step, read this guide carefully.
If you have some busssines or you have a shooping on the internet you can do transaction / pay by your mobile phone without credit card or bank transfer. So this is a simple way to pay on the internet.
This Turorial will guide you to pay donate at game online GF LUNA.
If you have some busssines or you have a shooping on the internet you can do transaction / pay by your mobile phone without credit card or bank transfer. So this is a simple way to pay on the internet.
This Turorial will guide you to pay donate at game online GF LUNA.
Login your Account GF luna web and than Select Donate TABSTEP 2
You will direct to Onebip web, if you don't have account onebip sign up to creat new account.
Fill the box (Name, Password, Email, Your contry and your Mobile phone number) and than click "Continue"
You will direct to Onebip web, if you don't have account onebip sign up to creat new account.
Fill the box (Name, Password, Email, Your contry and your Mobile phone number) and than click "Continue"
Login to Onebip and click "Buy Now"
Click "Add funds"
you need the authority of your transactions through your mobile phone
write a text message from your mobile phone: OK 922468 send to 9779 to authorize this transfer. if the message you sent with the correct format then the transaction successfully.
NOTE: To GF LUNA Players after you succesfuly your donate Via Onebip you need to send confirmation To GM Pinux. You just send a email To KING.PINUX@YAHOO.COM
Use this draft for confirmation your donation:
Payment donation: (paypal/onebip/other payment)
Payment id : (order id your payment)
Name at the payment account : (your account name)
Ammount of Donation :
Game ID : (your game login id)
IGN : (your nick at the game)
Good Luck and enjoy the game
thanks banget om jeff, kebetulan ane juga ga punya credit card..
@Gustaf: Sama-sama bos, Cuma perlu di ingat.. Untuk yang ingin Donasi di Game GF luna, Misal donasi $10 berarti kurs sekitar Rp.85.000. bukan berarti hanya butuh pulsa 85k, karena setiap transaksi terkena biaya SMS sekitar 1000 atau berapa, aku lupa bos. jadi siapkan saja pulsa Rp. 100k untuk donasi $10 + biaya SMS.
Dan setelah donasi konfirmasi ke GM.
Semoga membantu
ne pk sim card apa om??
indosat bisa gak gan?
om jep
itu kok ada tambahan dana gmn ya cara nya??
@ semua: Saya sarankan paling gampang pakai ProXL,
itu tambahan dana kan buat pajak boss dan buat byr providenya.. jadi donasinya kan nanti butuh konformasi melalui sms untuk otoritas. Nah itu terkena biaya Sms.. jadi siapin aja 100k pulsa untuk sms nya juga kan...
wahh... harus XL ya?? padahal dah pake indosat nih ==
klo bisa di ksh jalan kluar nya gan :D
ane minta tolong dengan sangat u.u
LOL... Wah mon, kalo maren sih gw bisa pake Telokmsel.. cm serius paling gampang cm pake XL. gw dah donasi 2 kali pake xl lancar terus...
jd klo solusi nya ganti perdana kayaknya..hehhee
gan klo cara konfirm ke GM nya gmana???
kan ane udah kirim ni sms nya
trus mau konfirm nya gmana ya gan
kak jeff tutorial nya masih agak gak ngerti nih...
bisa tolong jelasin lagi yang lebih simpel???
Hadoh.... ga ngerti yg mana?? dah jelas itu bosss.. coba deh di coba satu.. dari awal
gan itu nomor ponselnya depannya kita arus isi +62xxxxxxx y ??
Ndak usah boss.. kan di atasnya dah ada +62....
jadi cukup 08XXXXXX..
begitu aja.. semoga membantu
ada yg jual char DA atw AB ga 1x reborn FE or Clean ?
saya jual char AB max reborn: equip Full Eva+strike.
NICK yg IIHEROII.. hehehe mau pensi luna
jika tertarik hubungi saya di Tab contact Us
sekarang 150 premium point = brp pulsa??